Black Risotto

Black Risotto

A tasty delicacy with a distinctive black colour obtained from the natural ink the cuttlefish uses when in danger is one of the dishes you have to try! Enrich it with a light white wine and enjoy!


  • 0.5 kg cuttlefish
  • 2-3 onions
  • Pinch of parsley
  • 1 cup of rice
  • 1-2 packs grated cheese


Clean the cuttlefish and try to remove the entire ink sac. Rinse the cuttlefish and cut it into equal sized squares. Clean and chop the onions and parsley and sauté them on lightly heated oil. Add the cuttlefish and stir them for 20 minutes until it turns yellow. If the sauce is too thick, add some lukewarm water. Once the sauté is almost done, add the cuttlefish ink and after 5 minutes of constant stirring, add rice and hot water.

Cook for 20 minutes, occasionally adding more water. The thickness of the Risotto depends on the quantity of added water, so be careful adding it. When the risotto is almost done, taste it and season it with salt and pepper, as desired. At the very end, add a tablespoon of high quality olive oil, stir the risotto well and let it rest for 5 minutes before serving. When served, you can sprinkle the risotto with grated cheese if you wish.

Source: "From the Family Cookbook", Marijo Šperanda, Šibenik, 2018